
Volunteer opportunities

There are many opportunities to be involved in the ABO to support our student athletes:

Board Positions:

The ABO Board guides the direction of the ABO, organizes fundraising events to support all WHS sports teams, and considers and acts on funding requests from team coaches. The ABO works closely with our Athletic Department and coaches to understand department goals, team proposals, and funding limitations in order to allocate funding. We welcome your energy, input and help in guiding the ABO's effort to support WHS athletics programs and typically start filling vacant Board positions prior to the start of the school year.


Chair Positions:

Sponsorship Chair

Maintains and continues to develop the ABO's sponsorship contact list, recruit new sponsors by soliciting companies and/or individuals to purchase sponsorship signage at WHS selected venue spaces, and re-engage past sponsors to continue to their sponsorship. The Sponsorship Chair attends ABO meetings whenever possible to report on status of current sponsors.


Spirit Wear Chair

Manages the inventory, recruits volunteers and helps facilitate sales of spirit wear at WHS events, works with a current supplier to maintain inventory quantities and updates the ABO website with online sales inventory, and fulfills and delivers online spirit wear sales to the main office for purchaser pickup. The Spirit Wear Chair attends ABO meetings whenever possible to report on status of Spirit Wear sales and inventory.


Website Content Chair

Manages the content and presentation of the ABO website, ensuring that it is up to date with ABO news and events information. Works with the Athletic Director and other ABO members to collect the fundraising goals for each sports team prior to the start of the season and ensures that this information is accurately posted and that online donations can be collected. Receives and posts ABO meeting agendas and approved minutes. The Website Chair attends ABO meetings whenever possible.


Social Media Chair


Crab Feed Chair


Team support Roles

Parent Liaison

Serve as a liaison between your team and the ABO by attending ABO meetings, communicating with the team and other parents about the ABO, ABO membership and its events. Communicate with the ABO about team news and accomplishments. Recruit additional parents to take pictures of the team for use on the ABO website and social media accounts.


Team Photographer


Take pictures of our WHS student athletes in action! These pictures can be shared with the kids and their parents, posted to the ABO website and social media accounts, and used in the Awards Night slideshow.


ABO Event Volunteer

We could always use extra help with any of our fundraising events! From planning and preparation before the event to help running the event, any little bit you can do will only help make the event more fun and successful.


Please contact woodsideabo@gmail.com if interested in volunteering with the ABO.