Wildcat prowl 5k - Saturday, MAy 10, 2025


Click HERE to register and get all the details! 


Register before April 20 for a free t-shirt designed by WHS athletes.







Welcome to our 5K fun run, the Wildcat Prowl, to support Woodside High School’s athletics programs via the Athletic Booster Organization (ABO)!  


The Wildcat Prowl is a fun, inclusive, community- and spirit-building fundraiser for the whole family and beyond! Our 3.1 mile run/walk will start and end on Bradley field and cruise up and down the Alameda, for a “low elevation gain” course (i.e., no big hills) and a beautiful way to start the day.


The Wildcat Prowl will be held on Saturday, May 10. Register NOW!


Join us on Bradley Field afterwards for post-race snacks, photo ops, and bragging rights.



Want to sponsor? THANK YOU! Follow this link: 5K Sponsorship Opportunities and see our sponsorship opportunities and perks (including some discounted and free registrations, depending on the sponsorship tier).

Questions? Email: naftulinde@gmail.com / juliecprosper@gmail.com